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At McKay & Co, we combine consulting and facilitation to assist in the transformation of organizations, collectives, and individuals.

Our approach to designing, co-constructing, and implementing your innovation project is based on openness, strength, and curiosity.

McKay & Co : coaching individuel pour innover et grandire



Personal innovation consulting is based on listening to an individual’s needs and identifying the desired coaching method, as well as the area requiring support. 

Coaching personnalisé

Relying on creative thinking approaches, methods, techniques, and tools in the field of innovation, McKay & Co has achieved successful results through its individual consulting activities in:

  • Accompanying individuals towards a better understanding of their personal or professional objectives

  • Stimulating their creative potential and their power to act

  • Encouraging individuals to collaborate with their own network


Our objective is to help individuals focus on achieving their creative and innovative goals in targeted areas of their personal, professional, or social life.

« On a personal level, we aim for complete individual fulfillment, better use of an individual’s own resources and network and, on a professional level, improvement of skills in conducting work meetings, effective use of creative solution finding as a team, and reflection prior to implementing a change process. »

Based on the context, consulting sessions also make it possible to: 

  • create a space and time to take stock, articulate concerns, discuss aspirations, and prioritize strategies in complete confidentiality.

  • explore tools to foster creativity, combine them with personal resources, and apply them to the individual’s professional context.

  • improve the ability to generate ideas in finding new solutions to disabling situations.

  • release the feelings of powerlessness and spark motivation.

McKay & Co : collaborer efficacement pour devenir plus fort



Facilitation is a set of techniques that allow a group to collaborate effectively. When helping a group improve its effectiveness, facilitators remain neutral and therefore have no power over decision-making. They simply provide individuals the opportunity to express themselves, find their place, and engage in collaborative processes to make the group stronger. 

Facilitation de processus collaboratif

The facilitator’s work consists in supporting teams in their collaborative projects and processes to better listen to each other, to communicate, to organize themselves, to find and implement solutions together, and to achieve their goals.

To achieve this, the facilitator’s tasks include:

  • Having good field knowledge of project contexts and team composition

  • Highlighting the collective’s objectives and making sure that they are clear for everyone

  • Providing the framework and guidelines for group work

  • Ensuring that all members understand the meaning of their participation in the process

  • Understanding what motivates collaborators to maximize their participation

« The methods and tools used by the facilitator set the pace and tone for the group meetings and allow for inclusive work by making maximum use of collective intelligence. »

McKay & Co : bâtir des réseaux solides



McKay & Co. helps organizations strengthen their capacity to innovate by developing more collaborative work cultures and stronger networks. We work with and within organizations undergoing transformation, informing the thinking, decisions, and practices of decision makers and collectives.

Facilitators use their animation skills to encourage discussion and sharing, creativity, cohesion, consensus, and commitment at the meetings.

Their posture is essential: listening, agility, and quick understanding of the issues are all qualities required for the work. Also, their external viewpoint allows the group to take a step back, to exchange more freely, to learn new tools, and to experiment with new working methods. 

Soutien stratégique aux organisations

Consulting and Change Management ​

  • Reinforce project and organizational cohesion: redefine objectives, clarify methods, optimize resources, and specify expected results

  • Improve the organization’s performance through collaborative tools and jointly defined steering, monitoring, and evaluation methods

  • Define a long-term strategy for innovation development

Studies, Writings and Observations

  • Contribute to the reflection processes, decisions, and practices of decision makers

  • Conduct research on innovation for an organization to help it make informed decisions

  • Assist in preparing documents: funding applications, evaluation reports, strategies, etc.

  • Propose several analyses that articulate strategic question and decisions



  • Formalize and share results from the interventions and experiences with the stakeholders

  • Propose participatory activities based on the experience and questions of professionals

  • Foster organizational learning and dialogue by implementing participatory methods

  • Prepare the transfer of knowledge acquired during the training to work situations

  • Provide tools for evaluating the acquired knowledge



  • Identify and mobilize key project partners

  • Explore potential networks in which innovators are involved

  • Networking collaborative innovation skills and partners

« At McKay & Co, we believe that organizations can contribute to an inclusive and respectful world that is interdependent with their ecosystem. We believe that sharing experiences is a catalyst for positive social change. Hence, our work helps to generate and disseminate knowledge and learning about collaborative innovation in all fields to make it happen in organizations. »

What they think of McKay & Co.

McKay & Co, It's professionalism, rigor, openness, imagination, and beautiful madness, all in one person.

Marie-Pier Gagné . Collectif de la Cité

At McKay & Co, we like creative people. 

McKay & Co : collaborer pour faire grandir les idées . oeuvre de Julie Théberge
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